Saturday, July 19, 2008

'Summer'-ized Voiced

Ok, so it's mid-July, the summer before I begin my graduate degree in early music voice. With five and a half weeks until semester orientation, I should feel fully prepared, if still a bit trepidatious, right? However, nothing could be farther from the truth. I'm suffering from the worst of self-inflicted singer ailments. Yes, I have it - the dreaded Summer Voice!!! *minor chord on the organ and a hollow scream from a 20s sex symbol*

Seriously though, what is it about my fellow singers and me that lead us to slack-off during the summer? Is it a lack of gigs? Is it a predominantly coaching-free string of months? Is it the outrageous heat and too many mojitos?

Yes. And no.

It's all of these. It's also none of these. We all have our own demons when it comes to procrastination and laziness. That's ok though, because we'll get back to the grind when it becomes necessary. Personally, I've spent the summer relishing TV on DVD and preparing to move to another state to live by my lonesome for the first time ever. Pile two trips to Europe on top of this, and I'm not only vocally out of shape, but have a larger waistline than ever, haha!

No worries though - both the voice and the waist will be back in shape soon enough. I'm looking forward like crazy to pursuing this degree, and I'm not going to let a little thing like a lazy summer stand in my way. Best of wishes to everyone on the rest of the summer and the upcoming school year! I love you all! ~AJR


Ben Grimwood said...

OMG! This post is just perfect. Quite engaging and well-written. Love it!

And awwww! I wish you didn't have to live by your lonesome :*-(

And I loved the dig on your expanding waistline... lol you're so self-depricating even if your tummy is cute lol

Anonymous said...

It isnt an expanding is the food-baby remember lol.....being another singer who suffered from the same thing....your guess is as good as mine as to why we do this to our selves. But none the less big hug!